Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 (18ª Edição)

Aberta - Round #1

Texas Gaming
Home Team
Away Team
Adam captain
Airank captain
  • cp_metalworks
    Texas Gaming lost to Abertretas, 0 to 5
  • cp_sunshine
    Texas Gaming lost to Abertretas, 0 to 5
  • Availability
    Schedule suggestions (based on availability): Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
    Match Comms

    Tuesday 21 at 21hs is allright for you guys?

    21hr GMT -3, -4 or -5?

    GMT -3 Brasilia Time

    We have 3 players that can't play that time. Can you really only play tuesday? Wouldn't wednesday 20hr GMT -3 work? If not that, maybe monday on either 20hr or 21hr GMT -3?

    We can play today at 21hs, do you have a server?

    Oh yeah baby we do, we have a deal!, PARTIDA MARCADA PARA 20/09 ÀS 21:00hr GMT -3 ADMINISTRAÇÃO

    Yo, I know this is eleventh hour, but one of our players, Silasv500, is on the team, but he entered after the league started, so he is not on the active roster yet since it didn't update. You're fine with that right?

    Yeah, we're fine with it

    yeah sure

    Sunshine Texas Gaming 0 - 5 Abertretas
    Metalworks Texas Gaming 0 - 5 Abertretas


    External Links