Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 Highlander (6ª Edição)
Aberta - 2
Trevor Philips IndustriesHome Team |
vs |
Chilean waveAway Team |

Hi i am the leader for trevor philips industries and I wonder if you guys can play at 18h at argentina time (22h CET for Europe)
Best regards.
I added you on steam but it seems ur not even accepting my friend request.
yes we can play 18:00
oh no we cant we need to play default

there is no way I'll play at 20h at your time which is basically midnight for us, 19h or 18:30 is the best for us

but still I'll ask them team about playing at midnight CET (some are russians and they play at 2 AM at their time)

but my suggestion is to play at 18:30/19h

19:30/19:45h is the max they can do
yes we can do at 19:45h friday or saturday

saturday. aight i am going to contact the staff to reservate a server to saturday
dm for the connect oreo#7865
or steam message
we accepted mercs and they used 1