Liga Brasileira de Team Fortress 2 (21ª Edição)
Central - Primeira Rodada
Universitario de DeportesHome Team |
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Camirgo's Food TruckAway Team |

eles podem jogar o match no sabado 15?

É muito cedo, podemos jogar no horário padrão
we can't play default day, our demo won't be at home and we mean saturday 15 next week.

I will be missing a player too, but we can't reschedule a match to another week. The best i can do is talk to my team if they can play on sunday, but if they can't, we will play on default day.
can play tuesday next week at 22?

i will talk to my team too see if we can

We can't. We can only play on default date

Vamos jogar no horário padrão
all right, but can we play at 20hbr?


qual server vamos jogar?
sts br , but here shows
Horário padrão:
Se não houver acordo entre os líderes, a partida deverá ser realizada, obrigatoriamente, no domingo, dia 16 de julho de 2023, às 20h00 (horário de Brasília).

vamos jogar hoje 08/07 as 21hrs
using this guy as scout ringer